
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Keep On Rocking!

Sometimes the oddest things capture my imagination, and my brain goes into some kind of alternate creative reality.  I stumbled upon an article recently that was titled "The Worst Named Rock Band In New York City" which for some unknown reason inspired me to come up with pottery related names for a rock band.

So far I've come up with the following:

  • Brent and The Kickwheels
  • Bad Firing featuring Uneven Heat
  • Slipcast
  • Porcelain Heartbreak
  • Clay and the Grogtones
  • Thrown in Haste
  • Cone Ten and the Reduction
  • Off Center
  • Muddy Fingers
  • Big Slab and the Coilpots
  • The Slabrollers

If you have any that you'd like to add to the list I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Hello Owen,
    I just wanted to post a quick note to tell you that the RSS feed for this blog has been added to the Potters and Ceramic Artists Blog Feed at Pottery Making Info. Thanks for all the hard work with your clay and your blog!

    And other possible pottery themed band names: SlopBucket, The Banding Wheel Band, Clay Zeppelin... okay, maybe that last one is a stretch...

  2. Great names! And I love Clay Zeppelin, now why didn't I think of that one? ; ]
