
Friday, January 9, 2009

I thought it would be slow after Christmas

I really did. Last year I was pretty busy in January, but I had a thought in the back of my mind that maybe this year would start off slow because of the bad news we keep hearing about the economy. However, two of my regular customers placed nice sized orders, two new customers placed a nice sized orders, I have orders that were placed on the website since Christmas, and all of a sudden I'm swamped. 

A lot of good stuff is going on, too. KPOV, Bend's community radio station, placed an order for logo mugs, and I will be getting some local underwriting spots broadcast a couple of times a week. I'm interested to see if I get any business as a result of this. 

At any rate, a short post this time--but better to post good news than no news at all, right?

OK, everyone, all the best until next time.
